Every so often we encounter moments in life that challenge our resolve. Moments that challenge our faith and sense of identity. We question if we made the right decisions, maybe we could have done things differently. Perhaps, if we would have done this or that results would have been better or healthier, happier. If you understand what I am saying, you've already made the choice that led you to this half glass full moment and it's little to late to go back. Fear not, however, the good and gracious God is in control. Would you believe me if I told you that the grass isn't any greener on the other side? Sure, you might have avoided a few hurdles here and there but beauty of life is that it is eventful all on its own. This is because long, long, ago a thief committed himself to stealing joy from God's creation. He corrupted a perfect harmony between humanity, time, space, and matter. The intrusion led to a distortion in life. Unbeknownst to him, Humanity was created with a gift of God's breath, they could not be robbed of God's joy, God's breath was/is life. So here we are now, things are not as great as you would have liked for them to be, where to now? How about straight ahead, eyes on Jesus.
Psalm 121
I lift my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? 2Â My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
3Â He will not allow your foot to slip; your Protector will not slumber. 4Â Indeed, the Protector of Israel does not slumber or sleep.
5Â The Lord protects you; the Lord is a shelter right by your side.[a] 6Â The sun will not strike you by day or the moon by night.
7Â The Lord will protect you from all harm; He will protect your life. 8Â The Lord will protect your coming and going both now and forever.