Sermon Series: Reimagine
Pastor's message made me think about reading 2 Chronicles. Which I just finished. Good King, Bad King, Good King, Bad King. Israel is destroyed and taken over by its enemies, Israel is rebuilt and the Israelites return with their possessions. Over and over and over!!! I dont know how many years it spanned? Then, a long comes Ezra, the next book, 1st Chapter.
IN GOD'S TIMING, just like that. God causes King Cyrus to release the Israelites AND return EVERYTHING to them. All of the things belonging to the Temple too! Just like that, every obstacle removed, freedom, land restored and possesions returned. All In God's Timing.
On a personal note our rise to success over 14 years, was fast n furious, but God did prepare us for it with many years of failures before that success.
We would be in the Mercedes on the way to an event, I would look at my husband and say, "do you have your seatbelt on?" That was because the ride of success was like being in a rocket we could almost feel the pull of gravity! The G's. We would remenise about where we were just 10 years earlier and would both agree that there was no way we could have forseen what God had in store for us! It was way beyond our reach or vision at that time.
The Lord also prepared us for the sudden change of events that came to pass as well. We had built a life based on the legacy of Faith so when changes came, we knew we could Trust God. We had worked hard, tithed and invested our money wisely. We know God is for us and our present and future are always in His Hands!
Not by might, not by power, but by Your Spirit Lord 🙏
-Oct 1, 2018