Sermon Series: Reimagine
Sunday Oct 21 2018 Isaiah 60 Matthew 5:13 Pastor's message last night was so on point. He talked about, Excellence. All that we do, we should do unto the Lord, and with excellence, Amen. This is a very important life principal for myself and something that I tried to instill in my children. If you do your best, that's all you can do. If you do everything unto the Lord first, you don't have to worry about other peoples opinions or "who" your doing it for. When I was growing up, our Father, who was an Officer in the Army, used to tell us, "a job 1/2 done is not worth doing at all." Even though I didn't like hearing it at the time, (like having to re-clean the bedroom because it didn't pass inspection), it taught me discipline and excellence. The other thing that Pastor said was that if we are faithful with little, we will be faithful with much. This is very true. In Malachi, the Word says that if we are faithful with our tithes & offerings that God will open up the windows of Heaven and pour out Blessings into our lives beyond what we can image. It even says the blessings will be so abundant that we will need Storehouses just to contain them! The Word in Malachi even says, "Test me in this"! This Word became reality in my life when we were tithing and making offerings faithfully. The 5 storage sheds that we have on our property, are a daily reminder to me of God's Faithfulness in His Word regarding this. In the beginning we started tithing with a little and as God honored our tithe, and gave us the increase, we increased our tithe. Everything comes from God and Is made by God. If we look at everything we have as a gift from God, it is easy to be a good steward over it. We can teach "excellence" to our children by being good examples in our daily lives. Lead by example.